Friday, January 14, 2011

An Apple a Day

The heavy lines in this painting go against everything that I've ever been taught, but I cannot seem to resist them.  When I take the time to do a complete underpainting, I always find myself wanting to add the dark details back into the painting.     

I'm a victim of the 2011 cold and flu season, and let me just say, its not pretty.  Let's just blame the cold meds for the heavy lines above, okay?  Thanks. 

I hope you are all safe.  And well.  And warm! 

Have a great weekend!  :)


Page Pearson Railsback said...

I kind of like the heavy lines..because they are shaped in a painterly the blue from the table peeking thru also

Darla McDowell said...

Page, it makes me feel better for you to say that. As always, I appreciate your comments. Thanks! :)