Thursday, December 1, 2011
Friendly Visitor
Much to my surprise and that of my little dachshund, this friendly deer wandered into our yard yesterday. He politely posed for three, good photographs. (And a handful of really blurry ones.) We stared at him. And he stared back at us. He definitely added excitement to our late afternoon walk. I hope to see (and paint) him again.
Our first winter storm is brewing outside. It's cold and dark. And spitting tiny snowflakes. Dire weather predictions abound, but I love this kind of weather. Welcome, December! I am happy to see you!
Stay warm!
6x6 Oil on Canvas,
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
A Rarely Seen Species
Gobbler pears? My husband said that these pears remind him of three, long-necked turkeys. Clearly, a little of my crazy has rubbed off. I love that about him.
Speaking of turkeys, the rest of my week is going to be devoted to holiday preparations. And I'm looking forward to every minute of it! If I don't have the chance to post again this week, I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Let the holidays begin!
Friday, November 18, 2011
The Squad
Good morning!
I'm sticking with apples for a little longer. And the shades of gray. There seem to be unlimited variations of gray, and I'm enjoying experimenting with its neutrality.
Happy Friday! Have a great weekend, y'all!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Gray Flannel
Hi there, everyone! I apologize for my recent absence. I had a laparoscopic cholecystectomy during the first week of November.
(Thank goodness, gallbladders appear to be spare parts! Ha!)
So, instead of painting, I have been snuggled up on my sofa -- watching movies and in general -- being spoiled rotten. It was quite fun! But I'm glad to be back in my little studio.
I have been struggling lately. Too much fussing! I have lost count of the number of completed canvases that I've wiped clean. It has been a learning process, though. With the exception of the highlights, this painting was done with only my No.12 Monarch bright.
What do you do to keep your brushstrokes loose? Or when you're in a painting rut? I welcome any comments or suggestions. Thanks, everyone! I hope you're all having a great week!
(Thank goodness, gallbladders appear to be spare parts! Ha!)
So, instead of painting, I have been snuggled up on my sofa -- watching movies and in general -- being spoiled rotten. It was quite fun! But I'm glad to be back in my little studio.
I have been struggling lately. Too much fussing! I have lost count of the number of completed canvases that I've wiped clean. It has been a learning process, though. With the exception of the highlights, this painting was done with only my No.12 Monarch bright.
What do you do to keep your brushstrokes loose? Or when you're in a painting rut? I welcome any comments or suggestions. Thanks, everyone! I hope you're all having a great week!
6x6 Oil on Canvas,
Granny Smith,
Still Life
Sunday, October 23, 2011
The Ten Minute Challenge
This is my entry for this week's Daily Paintworks Challenge: The Ten Minute Challenge. When I attended Carol Marine's workshop at Wenmoh's Ranch last March, this was one of my favorite exercises. I should do it every day as a warm-up to painting. My apples tend to get worse instead of better, but it is a great reminder to squint and simplify.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Sunshine and Butterflies
This is my entry for this week's Daily Paintworks: The Simplify Cute Challenge. It is by no means representational of the precious little girl featured in Carol Marine's photograph, but it was an interesting challenge for me.
It is windy and cold here today. And I am loving every minute of it! I hope you're all having a great week!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Pie Bird Serenade
This pie bird has been in my parents' kitchen for as long as I can remember. Recently, I negotiated with my sweet little dad...a fair trade agreement of sorts. He agreed to loan me the pie bird in exchange for a homemade pie. It was so fun to paint and the baby pumpkin, too. Pretty sure the pie-baking won't be as much fun, though. Oh, the sacrifices we make for our art...
I hope you're all having a great week!
6x6 Oil on Canvas,
Pie Bird,
Still Life
Monday, October 3, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Shadow Play
This is my entry for this week's DPW Challenge: The Hand Challenge. I found myself wishing that my palette included yellow ochre and burnt sienna. With the six colors I use regularly, mixing the flesh tones was very challenging. I need LOTS of practice!
I hope you're having a great weekend. Happy painting!
I hope you're having a great weekend. Happy painting!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Afternoon Snack
"Afternoon Snack" is my entry for "The Help the Children of Africa" Challenge. Thank you to Carol and David Marine for drawing our attention to such a wonderful cause and for providing the forum in which we can all participate.
In other news, it is raining in Texas! I have puddles in my flower beds. Life is good!
I hope you're having a wonderful week!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Pigskin Revue
I had more fun with these two little pigs than I care to admit. So fun! They are my entry for the Daily Paintworks: The Pig Challenge.
Also, I would like say to that my thoughts and prayers are with Carol, David and Jacob Marine. On Sunday, they lost their home (and Carol's new studio) as a terrifying wildfire swept through their subdivision near Bastrop, Texas. The good news is that they are all safe.
Jennifer, a close family friend, has organized a fund to assist them immediately. Please click here for details and give what you can to help Carol and her sweet family get back on their feet.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
The Itch
Can you believe that it is already September? Summer seemed to rush by in a flurry. It was filled with wonderful birthday celebrations, loving anniversaries and the devastating loss of my beloved brother, Paul. He was diagnosed with lymphoma in December 2010, and although we were prayerfully hopeful for a full recovery, he did not respond well to the chemotherapy treatment. Throughout it all, however, he remained upbeat and positive. His faith and courage will forever be an inspiration to me.
It was our habit to share text messages on a regular basis. During one of our last such conversations, he asked me about this blog and encouraged me to keep painting. He was such a sweet brother, encourager and friend. So, here I am again. My blog posts may be sporadic for a bit, so please bear with me. Thank you all for your patience and for your friendship. I truly appreciate the blogging community that we share. Simply guys are the best.
It was our habit to share text messages on a regular basis. During one of our last such conversations, he asked me about this blog and encouraged me to keep painting. He was such a sweet brother, encourager and friend. So, here I am again. My blog posts may be sporadic for a bit, so please bear with me. Thank you all for your patience and for your friendship. I truly appreciate the blogging community that we share. Simply guys are the best.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Side By Side
I painted this yesterday, but time ran short. And I didn't get it posted. Busy week! Hopefully, life will return to a slower pace soon.
I hope you're all having a great week. Happy painting!
I hope you're all having a great week. Happy painting!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
This painting represents my entry in this week's Daily Paintworks challenge submitted by James Coulter. Mr. Coulter challenged us to paint flowers outside for an hour using only three brushes and a limited palette. Very fun! And not too hot. My iPhone registered only 99 degrees today. We must be enjoying a cool front! (Wink,wink.)
Do yucca blossoms count as flowers? I hope so!
My palette colors: Ultramarine Blue, Cadmium Yellow Lt, Cadmium Red Medium and Titanium White.
6x6 Oil on Canvas,
Yucca Blossoms
Friday, July 22, 2011
These little Rainier cherries were so fun to paint. They were the perfect still life subjects for a Friday.
Have a great weekend, everyone! Let the fun begin!
Have a great weekend, everyone! Let the fun begin!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Three Pears
I painted with the autumn palette again today. I'm usually drawn to bright colors, but I've really enjoyed these subdued neutrals.
Have a great evening, everyone!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Two of a Kind
Like me, these pears seems to be longing for cool, crisp autumn weather. Apparently, one has succombed to the triple digit, Texas heat. Poor little pear. This has been the craziest summer.
Stay cool, everyone!
Stay cool, everyone!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Sunshine in a Bottle
Click here to bid.
I bought a bouquet of these sunny, yellow flowers yesterday, and they've filled my little studio with sunshine. It has been a lovely day to stay indoors and paint. I hope you're all having a great week!
I bought a bouquet of these sunny, yellow flowers yesterday, and they've filled my little studio with sunshine. It has been a lovely day to stay indoors and paint. I hope you're all having a great week!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Stand Oil Glow
Have a great evening, everyone!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Pear Revue - SOLD
Click here to bid.
I'm still getting set up over at Daily Paintworks, but today's painting is available for auction. Thank you to David and Carol Marine for making this web site so user (and artist) friendly!
Can you believe it is July already? The summer is in full swing now. I hope you all have a happy (and safe) Independence Day weekend!
I'm still getting set up over at Daily Paintworks, but today's painting is available for auction. Thank you to David and Carol Marine for making this web site so user (and artist) friendly!
Can you believe it is July already? The summer is in full swing now. I hope you all have a happy (and safe) Independence Day weekend!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Starting Line-Up
For some reason, these little cherries remind me of hockey players out on the ice. Perhaps I'm spending too much time with mineral spirits and not enough ventilation? Yes, I think so. Ah, well. Thanks to Wet Canvas for the photograph!
Have a great evening, everyone!
Have a great evening, everyone!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Old Mill Challenge
This is my entry for this week's Daily Paintworks challenge. I'm a little behind with my painting this week, but I have all day to spend in the studio. Yay! I hope you're all enjoying a wonderful week!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Mare & Foal
My sweet husband talked me into making a pie with the cherries, so I'm working from a Wet Canvas photograph today. I love horses, and I couldn't resist painting these two. It was a welcome break from all of the fruit and veggies!
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Monday, June 20, 2011
The Upside Down Challenge
This is my entry for this week's Daily Paintworks challenge submitted by Carol Marine. With each of these challenges, I learn something new, and this one was no different. Thanks, Carol!
Friday, June 17, 2011
It's a gorgeous, sunny day. It's Friday. I'm happily painting a trio of peppers. And...the power goes out. The patio thermometer reads 107 degrees. I'm posting this quickly. (Thank goodness for laptop batteries!) Things may get ugly without air conditioning.
Have a great weekend, everyone. Let the relaxing begin!
Have a great weekend, everyone. Let the relaxing begin!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Three Nectarines
The only thing better than painting nectarines? Eating them! Ah, the benefits of still life painting.
Have a great day, everyone. Stay cool!
Have a great day, everyone. Stay cool!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
I would love to be relaxing in the sunshine today, but instead, grocery shopping is at the top of my "To Do" list. Time for me to get busy. Have a great day, everyone!
6x6 Oil on Canvas,
Still Life,
Monday, June 13, 2011
Pickled Peppers
I suppose that I will tire of these sweet peppers eventually but not yet. Their bright colors just make me happy. And speaking of things that make me happy...
Jan Weaver is a very talented artist and friend. Currently, she is doing a series of wonderful block prints. After losing her father, Jan began the series as letters to him, and she created this piece in memory of my mother. Her work is so personal, beautiful and touching. I will treasure it always. Thank you, Jan!
Have a great Monday, everyone!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Sweet Pepper Siesta
Well, I am up this AM, but I'm not really at 'em. Perhaps that is why these little sweet peppers looked oh, so sleepy to me? And the positive aspect of waking up at four o'clock? My little office/studio was nice and quiet. And the coffee was hot. Painting in my pajamas could prove addicting, I'm just say'en.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Strawberries A-Sailing
It's been a busy day! I think it's time to relax in my favorite chair with a nice cup of hot tea. Have a great weekend, everyone!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Don't you wish these were red grapes? I know. Me, too! It would have been a much better color combination. Oh, well, next time!
Several months ago, Lisa Daria was discussing values on her blog, and she suggested checking your values by using Photoshop (or any type of photo software) to convert your image to black and white. I can't tell you how much this has helped me, so I wanted to share it with all of you. It really helps you to see and identify your problem areas.
If you haven't visited Lisa's daily painting blog already, please do. She is a very gifted artist that has completed 745 days of consecutive painting. Wow, eh? She never fails to amaze me, and I know that you will enjoy her work, too!
Several months ago, Lisa Daria was discussing values on her blog, and she suggested checking your values by using Photoshop (or any type of photo software) to convert your image to black and white. I can't tell you how much this has helped me, so I wanted to share it with all of you. It really helps you to see and identify your problem areas.
If you haven't visited Lisa's daily painting blog already, please do. She is a very gifted artist that has completed 745 days of consecutive painting. Wow, eh? She never fails to amaze me, and I know that you will enjoy her work, too!
6x6 Oil on Canvas,
Still Life,
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Which Way Did They Go?

I've spent too much time away. I may need to knit little dunce caps for my fingers, because apparently, I've forgotten how to paint. Hopefully, today was just one of those days, and tomorrow will be better. At least, that's what I'm telling myself.
Have a great evening, everyone!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
I'm still experimenting with different color combinations. Please bear with me. This is a complementary/split complementary color scheme using red, green, yellow-green and blue-green. I love red with turquoise. And green with red. I'm just not sure about using them all together. One thing is for sure, however, the turquoise needs to be lightened a great deal. I would prefer a much more watery hue. Ah, well, next time.
Have a great evening!
Have a great evening!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Dreama's Kitten
This is my entry for last week's Daily Paintworks challenge posted by Dreama Tolle Perry. This little kitten ate my lunch, but I have a weakness for all things furry. So, I couldn't resist trying to paint such a sweet subject.
I hope you're all having a great weekend!
I hope you're all having a great weekend!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Wow, it feels like I have been gone forever. My husband and I went away for several days to celebrate his birthday, and I can't tell you how much that I have missed painting. And all of you. It was nice to be away from the Internet for a bit, but I'm looking forward to seeing what you've all been up to these past days!
No sooner than my bags were unpacked, I started painting. A girl's got to have priorities, right? My cupboards are still bare, but fortunately, my lavender has started to bloom. Along with catching up on laundry, purchasing produce is on my "To Do" list for this evening. Well, I had better get busy. See you all tomorrow!
No sooner than my bags were unpacked, I started painting. A girl's got to have priorities, right? My cupboards are still bare, but fortunately, my lavender has started to bloom. Along with catching up on laundry, purchasing produce is on my "To Do" list for this evening. Well, I had better get busy. See you all tomorrow!
6x6 Oil on Canvas,
Still Life
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Table for Five
The little sugar bowl is my latest thrift store treasure. The sugar bowl and the background are more of an olive green shade, but I was not able to successfully correct my camera's color distortion. Usually, I have to decrease the yellow in my images, but today, blue seems to have staged a coup. Don't you hate when that happens? Me, too.
Wishing everyone a wonderful Mother's Day tomorrow. May your special day be filled with blessings!
Wishing everyone a wonderful Mother's Day tomorrow. May your special day be filled with blessings!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Today has been a great day! Early morning thunderstorms brought much needed rain to the panhandle. We will still need much more to end the drought, but it is a wonderful beginning.
This painting is a complementary color palette using red-violet and yellow-green. Also, I used the split complementary colors of red and violet.
I hope you're all having a happy "hump" day!
This painting is a complementary color palette using red-violet and yellow-green. Also, I used the split complementary colors of red and violet.
I hope you're all having a happy "hump" day!
6x6 Oil on Canvas,
Glass Bottles,
Still Life
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Pool Party
Have a great evening!
6x6 Oil on Canvas,
Black Gesso,
Still Life
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Checking Messages
This is my entry for this week's Daily Paintworks challenge. Linda Popple chose the photograph for this challenge. (Thanks, Linda!) She is a wonderful artist, daily painter and fellow Texan. If you have a chance, please stop by her blog and say hello.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Spring Gala
The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and the dachshund is power napping. It's a great day to be alive and painting. Wishing you all a wonderful Friday!
6x8 Oil on Canvas,
Black Gesso,
Still Life
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Vintage Vase
Today, I worked on both glass and metal finishes. Gah. Although I am not happy with this one, I would like to try painting it again. It is a beautiful little vase, but I just couldn't get all of the issues worked out. Frustrating!
Have a great evening!
Have a great evening!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Artichoke in Repose
Doesn't this little artichoke look like it is patiently waiting for the spinach dip to arrive? I worked from another Wet Canvas photograph today. It was interesting to paint the different colors of green. And I always enjoy the challenge that painting fabric presents.
During the past 24 hours, I have been experiencing technical difficulties with my computer. It appears to be on its last legs. As I was trying to respond to a comment on my DPW entry yesterday, it locked up on me. And as I was clicking away, I managed to delete my painting. That takes a lot of talent. So embarrassing! Anyway, I've had to reboot it quite a few times today, so I think there is an upgrade in my near future. If I am offline for a bit, you'll know why.
Happy painting!
During the past 24 hours, I have been experiencing technical difficulties with my computer. It appears to be on its last legs. As I was trying to respond to a comment on my DPW entry yesterday, it locked up on me. And as I was clicking away, I managed to delete my painting. That takes a lot of talent. So embarrassing! Anyway, I've had to reboot it quite a few times today, so I think there is an upgrade in my near future. If I am offline for a bit, you'll know why.
Happy painting!
6x6 Oil on Canvas,
Still Life
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Petite Oranges
Also, I worked from a Wet Canvas photograph today. It is a wonderful reference tool for artists.
Happy Sunday, y'all! I hope you have a great evening!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Pink Moment
Today was all about mailing tax returns, windstorms and power outages. We're having wind gusts of 50 to 60 mph, and let me just say, it has been a bad hair day! The next time our weatherman issues a "Weenie Dog" alert, Rodeo and I are going to stay inside!
Painting this little pink carnation provided a much welcome respite from the blustery day. I really enjoy the way a color's true value is reflected against a mid-tone gray, so that was my focus. Also, experimenting with mixing warm grays and cool grays. Usually, I don't re-work my daily paintings, but I think that I may darken the background on this one. I'm still considering it. If I make any changes, I'll be sure to post the new image for you.
Enjoy the weekend!
Painting this little pink carnation provided a much welcome respite from the blustery day. I really enjoy the way a color's true value is reflected against a mid-tone gray, so that was my focus. Also, experimenting with mixing warm grays and cool grays. Usually, I don't re-work my daily paintings, but I think that I may darken the background on this one. I'm still considering it. If I make any changes, I'll be sure to post the new image for you.
Enjoy the weekend!
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